Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Songs That Get Stuck in My Head: Lambert

There are songs in this universe.  Songs that once you learn them, there's no possible way to unlearn them.  "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".  "The Rainbow Connection".  That Chiquita Banana jingle.  "Baby Got Back".

We all have that trove of useless information that takes up, what probably is, the largest space of brain mass we possess.  Fragments stored there pop up in random bits of remembrance from time to time and then spin and spin like a record on replay. 

Well, if my brain has a needle, it definitely skipped today and then stuck at the groove where "Lambert the Sheepish Lion" is stored.  I've had this song running through my head all afternoon and evening.  And, when a song is stuck in my head, it usually does not choose to stay there.  It will find a way bore through the bottom of my skull and trickle its way down my throat.  It will then roll across my tongue like an overdramatic cop in a bad chase scene and escape out my lips before I can even realize that I'm singing out loud.  Sneaky lyrics!

Lambert was a classic Disney animated short about a baby lion who was mistakenly delivered, by that clumsy Disney stork, to a mother sheep of all creatures!  Lambert obviously stood out in the flock, being neither white as snow nor having the ability to "baa".  The theme song is basically the other young lambs bullying the heck out of Lambert in sweet (somewhat British-sounding) melody.

I know every word because we recorded this episode on the family VHS recorder when it aired one weekend on TWWOD*.  We rewound that song over and over again until every word was meld onto that long-playing album in our heads.

I don't know why we issued ourselves that Lambert-learning challenge.  But, I know we thought those sheep were adorable, and little Lambert even more-so!  I still can recite each and every word, even to this day.

Unfortunately, in order to sing the lyrics properly, you have to baa out the lyric "Laaaam-bert"  So, if any of my coworkers were alarmed by the strange farm animal noises they heard coming from my office today, I do apologize.  I'm just a Lambert-lover, I know not what I bleat.

*The Wonderful World of Disney - I talk about this show so much, it's time to start abbreviating.

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